Monday 14 November 2011

Own Version Of Opening Sequences From News Stories

Turkish Flood

It was a very rainy dull morning in a wet and soggy damp house.  A family were packing up their belongings into a suitcase.  They all looked very upset, worried and devastated and scared of something.  As the parents checked the household was all locked up, the children were taking all of their things outside and putting it in the boot of the parents car.  A couple of minutes later, the parents locked the door, made sure their son and daughter were in the car, before getting in the car themselves they took one last look at the house before driving off down the road.

It was at least two hours now and the family were still driving down the road.  The weather was getting worse and worse as if a storm was about to come.  They all looked worried as the rain chattered down on the windows.

Finally, the family had now reached their destination.  They got out of the car, ran to the boot and took out their belongings before hurrying into a shelter.  There were lots of people around, who all looked upset.  Some people were even sleeping on the floor.  As the family looked around they went to a space available on the floor, put sheet down and sat, huddling up to one another.

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