Wednesday 23 November 2011

Interviews with cast from other films to learn about character

Interview with Posy

Me:  Tell me a bit about yourself?

Posy:  I am six years old and I live with my two adopted sisters.

Me:  Do you like living there?

Posy:  I love it, and my adopted sisters too.

Me:  That's good, so Posy, what would you like to be when you grow up?

Posy:  I would love to be a famous ballet dancer I am actually quite good at it.

Me:  Indeed you are!  You liking the classes?

Posy:  They are great except I have to sneak to them because my ballet teacher is not too well, and Gum (Professor Matthew Brown) says that we do not have the money or funds.

Me:  Aren't you worried you will get found out?

Posy:  No no, no one can stop me doing ballet!

Me:  I see you are passionate about ballet?

Posy:  Definitely. 

Me:  Okay then Posy that will be all, thank you for your time.

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