Wednesday 9 November 2011

Opening Sequence Treatment Draft

Emma is a dedicated and determined sixteen year old girl who loves to sing her heart out for anyone. She had dreams of being the 'next big thing' in the acting world since a very young age and believed that one day she would make it and become incredibly famous and well known in many countries around the entire world. She admired actors and actresses, from Angelina Jolie to John Travolta, and aspired to be just like them in a couple of years time. Emma practiced every night after school in front of the mirror, walking up and down like a model with a wig on. Despite being told by many of her closest friends and family members that she could not act as it looked too fake and over the top, she pushed herself to do the best that she could possibly do. Emma would not let them put her down and lower her self-esteem and courageous attitude, even though what her friends and family were saying was true. Instead she decided to take it as a negative criticism and push herself to continue as she could not face a life where she was not famous. This dedication that first started off as self belief, developed into an obsession with the acting industry and acting in general. She believed that she could act any genre of film and act as any type of person, even if that person were to be extremely depressed or very excitable. If she put her mind and her heart to it, and practiced long and hard she believed she could do it. Emma started to walk around during her break and lunchtimes at school, as if she was already a famous actress. She held here head high and even held some signed photos of herself in case someone were to ask her for an autograph.

Since her new and current obsession, she tended to be alone and wanted her own company, as she believed that she should commit her time to acting until she eventually became famous. She did not want any distractions whatsoever. She was striding down the corridor one day, like she was a famous model, when her attention was drawn to a poster that said, “Do you have an ambition to become a famous actress? If so, then this is your once in a lifetime opportunity. Head over to the main hall next week at 1pm when we will be holding our auditions for an amazing part in a play. The winner will be awarded a special prize in which they will be able to audition for a famous celebrity judge! And if you win, you will be able to play a part in a well known film, being shot in two months. Make sure you do not miss out on this wonderful opportunity. And remember its once in a lifetime, so head on over!” Emma's face lit up with joy, she was so excited that she was literally jumping up and down. Could she, Emma Nestlington, become the winner of this “once in a lifetime opportunity”? What if the celebrity judge was someone who would introduce her to the who acting career world? She had to prepare. Ever since a young age, Emma had just dreamt of standing on a stage and performing in front of millions of people and this could be her big chance.

For the next couple of days, Emma concentrated on practicing for the massive audition, and making up an original and unique storyline about a young boy who had passed away and who she missed terribly. She turned her phone off so that there would be no distractions. Instead, she put on the television, and watched a various genres of films about people getting star roles in films. She imitated their acting, and the way they played different parts, getting it as accurately possible, paying close attention to every single detail. Emma believed that this would perfect her routine, and give her a one-way ticket to auditioning for that special celebrity judge, so she had to get it right.

It was a week later and eventually the audition day that Emma had longed for, for days. She was outside the stage curtains fiddling with her fingers, and tapping her foot anxiously, when her name got called out.  Emma perked up with courage, and marched with confidence onto the stage. She looked at the three judges and waited for their command to start acting. When it was given, she started doing her routine, strolling around, crying, and doing lots of other shocked impressions. When she had finished she was expecting an outburst of laughter like she usually got from her friends and family when she acted for them, but instead she heard an outburst of clapping hands from the judges instead. Her face was speechless, and she had a tear in her eye as she walked off from the stage, and back through the curtains awaiting the results nervously.

It was now five years later and Emma Nestlington was now twenty-one years of age, and she was peeping out behind a stage curtain. A big smile had now appeared on her face as she ran out onto the stage acted in a massive theatre play in front of millions of people.

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