Sunday 13 November 2011

Opening Sequence Location Recce Draft

For our preparation for producing our final piece of task which is to produce an opening sequence we have to prepare our equipments and any other accessories which will be valid for our task.  For this process I have indicate the location recce which will be filmed at my house.  The reason for this is that its very close to the school so therefore there is no worries of taking any transport or anything that might cause any corruption to the camera or tripod and also it will be easier to produce in my house since I have just recently moved the house is still in progress to be finished so therefore the flooring and the decoration haven't been complete this is very accurate for our story to show the reason why the girl wants to become a star to gain fame and reputation to provide for their family so by showing this its shows how the house is not fully completed yet and the reason for this may be because the family haven't got enough wages, and also describes the aspects of why the mother wants her daughter to focus on her education.

These are the details of our location recce in which shots will be taken in variety of scenes shows the explanation of any advantages or disadvantages which may occur while filming our opening scene:

                                                                Location details

Outside the house (on the pavement between the road) 


It will look magnificent of how we can produce our opening scene starting from the sky showing the brilliant aspects of the atmosphere which the road is very quiet and not very distractive.

Possible problems

The weather might be a problem of filming outside the house and also some cars might b in the way of recording and the equipment might be a bit of a problem of setting up the process of filming the opening sequence.

Risk assessments

This can cause problems on the camera which might damage the materials,the electrical currents inside the camera and also the lenses.However with the tripod it might not be a cause of the camera after all since it will be secure so in some cases if the weather condition is very poor such as raining might need to use an umbrella on the camera so no water can effect the camera system or we have to either wait until the rain ends.

Inside the house entrance corridors


There is a lot of space and the atmosphere of the entrance is superb of filming an 180 degree shot there is a lot of room space which we can get through with our camera and any other equipments.

Possible problems

In this case the problem is my pet (cat) basically it depends on if the cat is in the house or not and also in the entrance corridor there is a possible problem with a desk next to the door.

Risks assessments

There is a risk of the cat messing up the cables or the equipments of our recording system and also might be in the way while we are recording so in this regual basis we have to try and keep the cat out of the recording area or in some cases the cat may be useful as a prop for our recording or could be used as a background display or anything to do with our recording. However the cat may not be a big problem since its not very distractive and very viscous it may not be a very big problem for us. With the desk next door its very hard for us to move into a secure place because the wireless router is plugged into the system which is stuck between the desk so therefore have to find a solution of sorting out the cables etc but again its not a big problem since we have a lot of space to record our opening scene.

Stair case


It will look magnificent of creating a panning shot with an 180 degree and also it will be more simplified instead of having the trouble of moving the camera around instead of leaving it in one place and only turning it in a slight degree angle.

Possible problems

The space of the stair case is very short so therefore it creates of problem of recording the opening scene in a small space where the camera with the tripod might not fit the process in this scene.

Risk assessments

While trying to fit the camera in the short space of the staircase many situation can occur,the camera might fall down the staircase meaning it to brake or damage any accessories with the camera. Also with only the short space that is provided it wont be easy to produce a scene where the mother goes up the stairs so therefore we might need to solve the solution by making two shots of this scene.

Outside the room corridor


There is a lot of space where we can record the scene and also the atmosphere suits for its purpose as the flooring of the house hasn't been fully produced where the flooring its wood planks we can see why the girl wants to become a famous ballet dancer due to the fame she will be provided however we can also see how her mum wants her to focus on her education because of the the wages that she is provided since we will give the audience the notice of the state of these people are living in.

Possible problem

The flooring may be a big possible problem of recording the scene where the mother walks into the corridor before entering the room.Another possible problem is that there might be boxes that is in the way of producing the scene which is also the unpacking system that i still need to do with my house.

Risk assessments

The floors may contain nails which is a very big hazard that if someone might step on the nail it might hurt them so therefore we have to be very cautious of the floors outside the rooms and also we have to be cautious of not dropping the camera or damaging the tripod.Finally with the boxes that is in the way I can organise them by putting them in the loft where they supposed to be but in some cases if I never putted them in the loft it will be a short space provided for recording the scene and people might tread over them and causing a big hazard and getting themselves hurt.

The bedroom


The benefit of this room is that there is a lot of space to be recorded and the atmosphere suits of its purpose as since our fist shot will be zooming into the window it will be the exact room that we are going to film in.The room has the needs of producing the film which already includes most of the props that is to be needed such as bed,mirror,hairdryer etc.

Possible problem

A possible problem of this room is that there are many cables which is in the way e.gtv cables,laptop cables etc and also the bed may be a possible problem.

Risk assessment

Many cables could be a risk of people tripping over them and cause a lot of huge situation where they might be injured so therefore a solution may be to sort or organise the cables so its neat and very organised without having any hazard effecting our recording.With the bed we need to put it in a different place to make our scene more accurate so therefore a risk may be is that it can cause a lot of trouble moving the bed since its very easy so therefore we either have a solution of leaving the bed in its place or trying to be very careful of moving the bed without damaging any equipment with the camera and the tripod.


There are many problems that may occur while recording our opening sequence but by planning it thoroughly we can identify of how we can find a solution of organising our filming without any disruption of hazards.

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