Sunday 27 November 2011

Analysis Of Film Poster

The main colour used in this film poster is pink to reflect that the film is about a young girl, and also to show the importance of ballet dancing in her life.  It shows this as most ballet dancers wear pink and this can represent them, making the audience know that the genre is not horror/thriller as if it was this genre the main colours used would be black and red, dark colours.  It represents a young girl as pink is mostly used for young girls which represents the target audience.  There are no symbols used in this poster as it is not needed.

The main figures/objects/background in this poster is a young girl wearing ballet shoes, and the background is pink.  They are represented photographically in this way to show that the film is to do with the importance of ballet in the young girls life.  And also if the audience want to watch this film they will know clearly that it is about a young girl and her passion for ballet dancing.

The messages in the film poster are primarily visual as the most important bit in it is of the ballet dancer and the bright vibrant colour that is pink in the background, showing the audience that the film is to do with her and ballet.

The intended audience for this poster is females of any ethnicity and between the ages of 8 and 20, who have an interest in ballet dancing and ballet films.  They would want to see this film as the poster is of a young ballet dancer around the same age as them, meaning they can relate to her.

The persuasive techniques that are used by this poster is what the critics have quoted, saying that it is a good film for the family etc. which would make the audience think if they say the film is good, then it must be great and want to go see it in the cinema.  Other persuasive techniques used by the poster is the title "let's dance!"  This shows the audience clearly that it is not going to be a dark horror film or thriller and gives them a clear impression that it is going to be a bright uplifting film of maybe the drama/comedy/romance genre.

There is no star used as a USP (unique selling point) but there not being a star can be the USP as the girl being a normal young girl would make the audience relate more to the character, and want to see it.  There are "expert witnesses" quoted from newspapers such as the Daily Star, Daily Express and Sunday Times, expressing that the film is great on the poster, which gives the audience more of a reason to want to see the film, because if they liked it the film must be good.

If the audience goes to see the film they are promised that it is going to be about a young girl and her passion for ballet shown through the image and colours in the poster, which grabs the audience's attention, especially if they have an interest in this type of dancing.  The pun "get under that spotlight" works by giving the audience the knowledge that the film is to do with a young girl wanting to be famous through ballet and it also shows her passion as in the image she is alone meaning the audiences attention is focused on her, which can also reflect that the young girl actually wants to be "under the spotlight."  The information on the poster is very important as it helps in persuading the audience to want to watch the film, e.g. by the "expert witnesses."  The poster is an important part of the marketing campaign as it plays a big part in making the audience want to watch the film, which is why it will be placed in magazines, on websites and outside on banners in the street.  I have chosen to put the poster in these places as the target audience will be likely to read magazines, go on the web and also go out.

Overall, the poster is effective as it persuades the audience in many ways to want to watch the film through the colours and images presented, and the poster also gives the audience a clear image of what genre the film is going to be through these things too. 

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