Wednesday 4 January 2012

Evaluation Question 7

Question 7 – Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at the preliminary task I feel that I have learnt a lot of things in the progression from it to the full product. This is because in the pre production, production and post production of the preliminary task, we encountered a number of problems that we did not know would occur. The pre production, which is the planning, included the treatment, pitch, poster, moodboard, script, storyboard, photo storyboard, location recce, casting, shooting schedule, rehearsal, and the timetable for the day. In this we had planned to use the shooting schedule, which would help us during the filming process for the order of shots to use. However, when coming to filming we had forgotten about this, and ended up starting with the shot outside, then we went inside for the next shots then out again. It would have been much simpler if we did the outside shots first then the inside ones after, and this could have saved us time too. The key lessons learnt is, when planning to make sure you have everything at hand before starting to do your filming. This helped us in the main task as we made sure that we had the shooting schedule at hand and this was much easier for us. Another problem encountered in the pre production was the script, as we had planned to have one printed off to help us when filming. Although this had been done on the computer, we had not printed it off to use and had to rely on the photo storyboard, which was not helpful, as we had changed some things from the storyboard and had something different on the script to make it better. So instead we had to improvise and also do some things from memory with the storyboard to help us. What I learnt here was that before filming to have planned in advance that you have got everything and have put everything in the correct place, and even if you are sure you have got them, to double check. This helped in the main task as we double checked things were there before starting our filming, so that if something was not there we could quickly think of something to help, so it would not interrupt the filming process. We also had a problem with the casting. This was as when planning for our cast, we had thought we already had a boy to act for us when filming. However, when doing the filming, we had found out that we did not have one. Luckily, the person I was working with had someone else to do the filming, and this helped us a great deal. What was learnt here was to make sure you definitely have the cast available on the days you need them, by ringing them or sending them a text message to ask again if they are alright with it. This helped again in the main task as we checked a number of times to see that the girl was available for acting on the days needed.

The production is actually making the film, and the things here were equipment, cast, location, timing, weather, continuity, cut away shots, variety of shots and re shoots. There were a number of problems encountered here, but when they happened this helped us to plan better when doing the main task. One problem that happened here was a major problem with the tripod. This was as we had broken tripods, and we discovered this when coming to actually doing the filming. As we had not planned for this to happen we were quite shocked, but dealt with it by first of all asking for a different one to use for the time being, however the one we had received was also broken, and so we had to wait for it to be fixed. This took up some of our time, but we were grateful for it being fixed to use. What was learnt here is to ask before hand if all your equipment in which you are borrowing are working properly, before the filming process. This helped when doing the main task as we made sure that the tripod was working properly before filming. Another problem we had was a noisy cast. Again, we had not planned for this, but two of the members were not doing what was asked, and as we had planned to get out by the latest four, we finished much later than that because of this. What was learnt here is to make sure that the cast you have is going to be sensible, and follow what the director is asking of them, and also if they are not, to learn to control them better, and if again if they are not listening to have a back up plan in case you decide you do not want to use them because of the problems faced. This helped when coming to the main task, as we controlled the cast well, and it was easier because of this, as it helped our timing too. Continuity was also a problem that was faced when making the preliminary task. This was because when filming we were not sure exactly how one of the girls who was acting for us was sitting when we filmed her previously. We had not planned for this either, but a key lesson learnt is next time when filming to keep an eye on how your cast is sitting etc and pay close attention to it so continuity will not be affected. This helped in the main task, as we made sure that all of these things were checked before actually filming.

The post production and feedback is editing the film and the feedback that is given from your fellow class and teachers. The post production and feedback consists of time, how you incorporate feedback from your teachers and others, sound/music choices, saving work and credits. There were some problems encountered here. One of the problems was that when actually editing our preliminary task, there was no sound in our actual production. At first, we thought it was because we had not plugged in the camera properly, but it was actually as there was no sound when filming it, as the camera was not working properly. We had not planned for this either so it was a massive problem. This was not helpful at all for editing, as we had to rely on just the images we had available to help cut the film at the right places. What I learnt here is to make sure the sound is checked before filming, and this helped when doing the main task as the sound was checked. For the preliminary task, some feedback that was given was to cut out some shots were the same thing is happening in both of them. This helped in the main task, as when we did our editing, we made sure not to put in two similar shots next to each other giving the same information to the audience. For example, if someone is walking to a door, you do not have to put a long shot and then a medium shot of the same information. This helped prepare us for the feedback given in the main task. The information we got here was to make the shot of the house shorter, which we did, and this helped make our opening sequence better, as the house being on the screen for too long is quite boring for the audience, and also at first it was on for about thirteen seconds, but we cut it down to make it shorter and this helped the timing overall. Some more feedback we received was to change the credits. At first it was white and plain, but we changed it to pink and blue, and we made the font more fancier to reflect our audience, and the genre of film. We also changed the production company from a “Lacie” production to a John Speed production, as “Lacie” was not that creative, and so John Speed sounded better. And the last bit of feedback was to change the start music, as it was depressing. Instead we changed this to a more cheerful and uplifting song to reflect the genre, and this helped the opening sequence as a whole.

Overall, looking back at the preliminary task, I feel that I have learnt a lot from it to the progression of the full product, as during the preliminary task there were a lot of problems encountered during the pre production, production, post production and feedback, that helped us to learn from them and do things better in the main task.

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