Thursday 5 January 2012

Analysing Opening Sequences

This film is called Love Sick, and it starts off with a woman shouting at man in slow motion, and there is a voice over of him wondering if there is ever a thing called love. And there is a playful, cheerful tune throughout this film. This makes the audience wonder what has happened between both of these people. When the woman walks off the man goes to a bustop in which he sees another woman and calls her 'the girl of his dreams.' But whilst he is imagining them both together she gets on a bus and it drives off, leaving him there. He then sets out on a journey to get to the next stop to see this woman, making the audience wonder if he will get there on time or not. However, when he eventually gets to the bus top he misses the bus, and is left heartbroken, but is happy again when he sees the woman sitting at a bar, so he walks over to her and presents her with a wedding ring. This does not go according to plan as her boyfriend comes over and punches him in the face. The voice over then asks again if there is a thing called love again, making the audience wonder if that was what happened with him and the last woman. The man then goes to the park and is sitting on a bench when another woman goes past and she is now the 'woman of his dreams' which is funny for the audience. The opening sequence of this film is good as the audience start off asking what had happened between the man and the woman, but then find out that he may just see other women as the 'woman of his dreams,' as he loved three women in the same day.

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