Thursday 5 January 2012

Analysing Opening Sequences

This film is called Strangers, and it is about a man who gets on a train and ends up saving another man. In this short film, the man gets on a train and sits down, and keeps glancing over to another man who is reading a newspaper. And they keep looking at each other and looking away for some time. The man who got on the train then holds his Jewish necklace so the man reading can see it. A dramatic drumming then starts, and some tough looking bald men get on the train and sit near the two men. One of the bald men draw a swastika on the newspaper the man is reading, giving us the impression that him and  his other companions are Nazi's and want to cause trouble. All of the bald men then stare at this one man giving him intimidating glances. This makes the audience left wondering what are the Nazi's going to do to him, and is the other man going to help. The man with the necklace's phone then starts ringing, and the attention is now on him as he tries to find it, making the music of the film his ring tone and not the dramatic drums. When he finds the phone and switches it off the men smile and look away back to the man with the newspaper and the drumming starts again. The man with the necklace then looks at the man with the newspaper and nods and they quickly run to the doors as the train had stopped, and a fast paced music begins as the Nazi's chase the two men. However, when they get to the doors, they get off separate doors and the Nazi's are left on the train as the doors shut in their faces. The two men then wave at each other and walk off. The opening sequence of this film is good, as it does not give much away, and it makes the audience wonder what the relationship between these two men is going to be, keeping the audience watching.

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