Thursday 8 December 2011

Opening Sequence Character Profile

While preparing for our new opening sequence where we had alot of errors previously due to the location reece, so we finally managed to prepare eveything but in the spare time that we had, we discussed about the main character of our opening sequence, discussing her personality, features and her background image.

While producing all of our ideas on sugar paper, presenting all the categories that relate to the girl's personality, we decided the camera shots that we could use to produce these methods and also what will be the her facial expression, the mise-en-scene and more technical features that we can present to our viewers about this character. Beneath is the image of the ideas our group presented on sugar paper which will be our main character for our opening sequence.

As the image above isnt very clear at all I have produced the main points from the idea and created a table on prezi but most of the points on the paper aren't included since we only included the important points which will be used or presented in our opening sequence.

Overall, the main ideas will help us to understand how we can present our main character to our audience and give them the attention and the amazment about this character.
This will help us to analyse how other films manage to accomplish this objective by making the main character more effective and making the audience have alot of predictable concepts.

Opening Sequence New Location Recce

We had a lot of trouble organising the location recce so therefore we made a final decision of using one of the media rooms and turning it into a bedroom and also deciding to stick with the original plan.

Sunday 27 November 2011

Analysis Of Film Poster

The main colour used in this film poster is pink to reflect that the film is about a young girl, and also to show the importance of ballet dancing in her life.  It shows this as most ballet dancers wear pink and this can represent them, making the audience know that the genre is not horror/thriller as if it was this genre the main colours used would be black and red, dark colours.  It represents a young girl as pink is mostly used for young girls which represents the target audience.  There are no symbols used in this poster as it is not needed.

The main figures/objects/background in this poster is a young girl wearing ballet shoes, and the background is pink.  They are represented photographically in this way to show that the film is to do with the importance of ballet in the young girls life.  And also if the audience want to watch this film they will know clearly that it is about a young girl and her passion for ballet dancing.

The messages in the film poster are primarily visual as the most important bit in it is of the ballet dancer and the bright vibrant colour that is pink in the background, showing the audience that the film is to do with her and ballet.

The intended audience for this poster is females of any ethnicity and between the ages of 8 and 20, who have an interest in ballet dancing and ballet films.  They would want to see this film as the poster is of a young ballet dancer around the same age as them, meaning they can relate to her.

The persuasive techniques that are used by this poster is what the critics have quoted, saying that it is a good film for the family etc. which would make the audience think if they say the film is good, then it must be great and want to go see it in the cinema.  Other persuasive techniques used by the poster is the title "let's dance!"  This shows the audience clearly that it is not going to be a dark horror film or thriller and gives them a clear impression that it is going to be a bright uplifting film of maybe the drama/comedy/romance genre.

There is no star used as a USP (unique selling point) but there not being a star can be the USP as the girl being a normal young girl would make the audience relate more to the character, and want to see it.  There are "expert witnesses" quoted from newspapers such as the Daily Star, Daily Express and Sunday Times, expressing that the film is great on the poster, which gives the audience more of a reason to want to see the film, because if they liked it the film must be good.

If the audience goes to see the film they are promised that it is going to be about a young girl and her passion for ballet shown through the image and colours in the poster, which grabs the audience's attention, especially if they have an interest in this type of dancing.  The pun "get under that spotlight" works by giving the audience the knowledge that the film is to do with a young girl wanting to be famous through ballet and it also shows her passion as in the image she is alone meaning the audiences attention is focused on her, which can also reflect that the young girl actually wants to be "under the spotlight."  The information on the poster is very important as it helps in persuading the audience to want to watch the film, e.g. by the "expert witnesses."  The poster is an important part of the marketing campaign as it plays a big part in making the audience want to watch the film, which is why it will be placed in magazines, on websites and outside on banners in the street.  I have chosen to put the poster in these places as the target audience will be likely to read magazines, go on the web and also go out.

Overall, the poster is effective as it persuades the audience in many ways to want to watch the film through the colours and images presented, and the poster also gives the audience a clear image of what genre the film is going to be through these things too. 

Audience Profile

Primary Audience Profile:

This is females from the ages of 8-20 years and of any ethnicity.  They will be interested in going out with their friends, wearing make-up, going to parties, and they will also like watching television. The types of programmes that they will watch are programmes like Waterloo Road, EastEnders, X-Factor, and Strictly Come Dancing.  They like to spend their money on shoes, outfits, costumes and Cd's.  And the type of music they will listen to will be pop and R&B.

Secondary Audience Profile:

This is males from the ages of 8-20 years and of any ethnicity.  Even though this may not apply to many males, the males who would want to watch this film would have an interest in ballet dancing, and the type of music that they would like to listen to is pop and R&B.

Why was this target group chosen?

This target group was chosen as they are more like our character so can find it easy to relate to her, as they have the same types of interests and hobbies.  Another reason why they were chosen is as most of the target group would be at school or in education, meaning that they would be able to relate to our character, in the sense that they would understand how she feels about hiding her hobby of ballet from her mother, who wants her to concentrate on her education, because they as an individual would know how their parents feel about the importance of them getting a good education and becoming successful.

What would attract them to watch your film?

They would be attracted to watch our film as it is unique and not common like the predictable horror and gang violence genres, which are quite predictable.  They would also want to watch our film because of the various ballet outfits and the feminine style and feel of it.  Also they may want to watch it because of the males in the film, of whom they may be attracted to.  And the final reason is as they can relate to the girl because they are of the same age, are in some sort of education and have very similar interests.

What other films would your target audience be interested in watching?  What films do you think they may have seen in the last six months?

Our target audience would be interested in watching comedy, dancing and romance genres.  The films that they may have seen in the last six months would be:
  • Ballet Shoes
  • Black Swan
  • Bridesmaids
  • Billy Elliot
  • You Got Served
  • Streetdance 
  • Honey

What would you need to have in your poster to attract the target audience?

The things that would be needed in my poster to attract the target audience would be a picture of a ballet dancer, a bold catchy name, a good pun and some quotes from newspapers.  This would draw the audience to it and make them want to watch it.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Interviews with cast from other films to learn about character

Interview With Billy Elliot

Me:  Hello Billy, I hear that you have a deep passion for ballet dancing?

Billy:  Yes! I really really do.

Me:  So whats the problem then?

Billy:  My dad doesn't want me to do it.  He wants me to do boxing, and I hate that type of sport.

Me:  Why do you think he feels this way?

Billy:  He thinks I'll shame him because it is "not for lads."  He wants me to be very masculine like he thinks he is.

Me:  Oh, is there any way of convincing him to change his mind do you think?

Billy:  Definitely not, but what he does not know will not hurt him.

Me:  But what if he happens to find out?

Billy:  Guess I shall have to just deal with it.

Me:  Okay then Billy, thank you for your time.

Interviews with cast from other films to learn about character

Interview with Posy

Me:  Tell me a bit about yourself?

Posy:  I am six years old and I live with my two adopted sisters.

Me:  Do you like living there?

Posy:  I love it, and my adopted sisters too.

Me:  That's good, so Posy, what would you like to be when you grow up?

Posy:  I would love to be a famous ballet dancer I am actually quite good at it.

Me:  Indeed you are!  You liking the classes?

Posy:  They are great except I have to sneak to them because my ballet teacher is not too well, and Gum (Professor Matthew Brown) says that we do not have the money or funds.

Me:  Aren't you worried you will get found out?

Posy:  No no, no one can stop me doing ballet!

Me:  I see you are passionate about ballet?

Posy:  Definitely. 

Me:  Okay then Posy that will be all, thank you for your time.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Problems With Location

While planning and also preparing for our opening sequence we had a major problem with the Location Recce.  Apparently the permission that we had with the Location Recce at the house was rejected due to the housework that was still in progress and also the rooms were not  professionally done or completed since the owners had recently moved in and therefore it would have been very difficult to prepare our opening sequence in this matter.

However, we managed to create a new story board with the same feature of the girl becoming a ballet dancer, as we managed to find a location in school that gave us permission to use a room.  One of the P.E department staff let us use the leisure room so the opening sequence will still occur and hopefully we will accomplish our main objective.

There will be more posts on the AS Final task which will include a new Location Recce, Storyboard, Treatment, Props List and Shooting Schedule.

Opening Sequence Final Treatment

Emma is a dedicated and determined sixteen year old girl who loves to dance her heart out for anyone. She had dreams of being the 'next big thing' in the dance industry of preferably ballet world since a very young age and believed that one day she would make it and become incredibly famous and well known in many countries around the entire world.  Since a young age her dad left her so a father figure is missing in her life as left her single mum to look after her. Her mum doesn’t show any support to Emma as she feels that she is not good enough to make it and should just concentrate on her education in which she is then guaranteed a successful future. Her admired dancers, from Billy Eliot to, Lydia Lopokova and aspired to be just like them in a couple of year’s time which the legacy which built themselves around. Emma practiced every night after school until she had self confidence in herself to show that she was a good dancer. Despite being told by many of her closest friends and family members that she could not dance, and had two left feet, she then pushed herself to do the best that she could possibly do. Emma would not let them put her down and lower her self-esteem and courageous attitude, even though what her friends and family were saying was true. Instead she decided to take it as a negative criticism and push herself to continue as she could not face a life where she was not famous. This dedication that first started off as self belief, developed into an obsession with dance in general. She believed that she could dance to any genre of music as she is quite flexible and versatile to all types of genre’s if she put her mind and her heart to it, and so she practiced long and hard. Emma started to watch constant dance programs copying important moves she could show off to people.

Since her new and current obsession, she tended to be alone and wanted her own company, as she believed that she should commit her time to dancing until she eventually became famous. She did not want any distractions whatsoever. She was striding down the corridor one day, dancing  along to the most famous opera song that she was listening to, when her attention was drawn to a poster that said, “Do you have an ambition to become a famous dancer held right here in the school? If so, then this is your once in a lifetime opportunity. Head over to the main hall next week at 1pm when we will be holding our auditions for the dance academy club. The winner will be awarded a special prize in which they will be able to audition for a famous celebrity judge! Make sure you do not miss out on this wonderful opportunity. And remember it’s once in a lifetime, so head on over!” Emma's face lit up with joy, she was so excited that she was literally jumping up and down. Could she, Emma Nestlington, become the winner of this “once in a lifetime opportunity”? What if the celebrity judge was someone who would introduce her to her idols in the ballet industry and get signed to their theatre? She had to prepare. Ever since a young age, Emma had just dreamt of standing on a stage and performing in front of millions of people and this could be her big chance.

Her mum is constantly worried sick about her in where she may be coming home late missing dinner etc.

For the next couple of days, Emma concentrated on practicing for the massive audition. She only turned her phone on for when she wanted to listen to music, the rest of the time it was off, or either on silent so she could not hear it or see it. Instead, she put on the television, and switched through the various music channels. She imitated their dance moves with her own little flava getting it as accurately possible, paying close attention to every detail. She even sometimes tried to copy the dance moves. Maybe this would perfect her routine, and give her an easy one-way ticket to auditioning for that special celebrity judge. Then all of a sudden Emma gave a massive grin, as she heard the routine that she was going to perform for her audition. This could perfect her chance of winning.

It was eventually the audition day that Emma had longed for, for days. She had to get it right. She was outside the stage curtains fiddling with her fingers, and tapping her foot anxiously, when her name got called out. Emma perked up with courage, and marched with confidence onto the stage. She looked at the three school judges and waited for their command to start dancing. When it was given, she started getting into her routine, and dancing her heart out. Expecting an outburst of laughter like she usually got from her friends and family, she heard a massive round of applause in which the judges told her they have got links to companies in America which would be delighted to see Emma sign to their label.

By the age of 21 Emma made it with flying colours earning a salary of over a million pounds a year and is still and upcoming rookie in the dance industry with still a lot to learn and is constantly improving while dancing.

Opening Sequence Shooting Schedule Draft

Before making our final shoot for our opening sequence me and my group had to organise ourself of what will be involved in each shot that will be taken for our filming process so therefore we gathered all the props and all the shots that will be taken for each scene.


The beginning of the shooting process will start at 9am in the morning which this will be first shoot out side the house.
Shot Number and Shot Details

· Shot 1, Longshot of the sky

· Shot 2, A panning shot down to the located house

· Shot 3, A zoom in follow through shot through to the bedroom

Props in the shot and where they need to be:

There will be no props that will be involved with these shots of the opening sequence

Character(s) in scene
There will be no characters who will be involved in these particular scenes

These particular shots will be produced indoors the time that we will predict of coming to this shot will be the minimum of 10am

Shot 4
A 180 degree close up shot of the surroundings of the characters

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
· PICTURE of famous dancers , which will be located on top of desk
· MAKE-UP, will be located on top of the desk also
· BEAUTY PRODUCTS, will also be located next to the make-up on top of the desk
· RADIO, will be placed on top of the desk

  • WIG, will be placed on the desk

Character(s) in scene:

Shot 5
Another 180 degree shot of which we see an arm on the radio

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
· WIG, will be placed in the middle of the desk

character(s) in scene:
· 1 Characters arm

Shot 6
A cutterway shot of the character’s hand grabbing a wig

Props in the shot and where they need to be:

· WIG, will be placed in the middle of the desk

Character(s) in scene:
· 1 Characters arm

Shot 7
Close up of the back of the characters head where we will see her nodding her head

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
· WIG, in the centre of the shot on the characters head

Character(s) in scene:
I character which will be the girl

Shot 8
Midshot of what is behind the character, hiding her identity

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
· MIRROR, as the reflection in the middle of the shot
· BED, will be in the back of the shotTEDDY, will be on the characters bed

Character(s) in scene:
1 character of the girl

Shot 9
Over the shoulder shot of her wardrobe

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
· WARDROBE, further in the background
· BALLET OUTFITS, stuffed in the wardrobe
· CLOTHES, to hide the ballet shoes
· WIG, on the characters head

Character(s) in scene:
1 character (the girl)

Shot 10
tracking shot of removing the clothes off from the ballet shoes

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
· WIG, on the characters head

· CLOTHES, cover the shoes, centre of the shot

Character(s) in scene:
1 character (the girl)

Shot 11
A cutterway shot of the character over

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
· BALLET SHOES, we see a glimmer of what they look like centre of the shot

Character(s) scene:
1 character (the girl)

Shot 12
Over the sholder shot of the girl strecting

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
No props will be used in this process

Character(s) in scene:
1 character

Shot 13
A midshot of the girl practising her dancer moves which again wont show the face of the girl so the shot will be below her face.

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
which will be worn by the girl

Character(s) in scene:
1 character (the girl)

Shot 14
Medium shot of her mum coming up the stairs which will be a cutaway shot of her feet. the sound tempo will increase.

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
No props will be used for this filming process

Character(s) in scene:
1 character (the girl)

Shot 15
A midshot of her mum ready to open the door to unrevealed her daughter.

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
no props will be used for this filming process.

Character(s) in scene:
1 character (the mum)

Shot 16
Cut off shot of the mums hand holding the door knob

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
No props will be used for this filming process

Character(s) in scene:
1 character (the mum)

Shot 17
Two by shot of the door slightly opening the sound effects will be used and it will show half of the bedroom inside.

Props in the shot and where they need to be:

Character(s) in scene:
1 character (the mum)

Shot 18
Close up shot of the mums face peaking through the door which there will be a sudden flash

Props in the shot and where they need to be:
no props are used for this filming process

Character(s) in scene:
1 character (the mum)

These are all the shots that will be concluded while producing the opening sequence so therefore this analysis will help us to organise and prepare ourself without having any doubts dueing our filming ther may be a slight change during this process but the main idea is that these shots and the props that are involve in each shot are very accurate of how me and my group gather the idea of the story

Opening Sequence Costumes Draft

Below are similar images of what my group and I would like our character to wear. These will represent our character Emma like she has a passion for ballet and fame and it will show our audience this too and also give a further insight of what our character's obsession's is so passionate with.

The ballet costumes and the ballet shoes images are something similar to the costumes that we would like our actress to wear to show that she likes dancing, and that she may have had a past to do with ballet. The images of the vest top are also something similar to what we would like our actress to wear to show that she wants to be someone different as she is from a normal and casual background suggesting that he has not made it yet. It also adds suspicion to the rest of the story into whether this average young girl Emma will become a ballet dancer or not. The school uniform is essential to the opening sequence as without it the concept would be average. By using school uniform will add suspicion in which you will see in the opening sequence as of why her mum will not allow her to become a dancer and also she thinks that she is not good enough while hiding this in secret from anybody but herself. Also again with the school uniform shows that the audience can relate to the character witnessing in present affairs and also shows the perspective of what a young teenage girl in her adolesence years deals and copes with issues in which will unveil throughout the opening sequence.

Monday 21 November 2011

Shooting Schedule Draft

Shot Number and Shot Details
Props in the shot and where they need to be
Character(s) in scene
The date will be a Thursday, during school hours and the location is the exterior of the building.
Shot 1, longshot of the sky.
The date will be a Thursday, during school hours and the location is the exterior of the building.
Shot 2, a panning shot down from the sky to the building.
The date will be a Thursday, during school hours and the location is the exterior of the building.
Shot 3, 180 degree shot of the different buildings.
The date will be a Thursday, during school hours and the location is the exterior of the building.
Shot 4, zooms into the window and follows through to the next room.
The date will be a Thursday during school hours and the location is the outside of the leisure room.
Shot 5, a close up of the POSTER on the door.
The prop in this shot is a POSTER on the door.N/A
The date will be a Thursday during school hours and the location is the interior of the leisure room.
Shot 6, a midshot of the door opening, we will see our character Emma standing in the room.
N/AEmma standing in the room.
The date will be a Thursday during school hours and the location is the interior of the leisure room.
Shot 7, medium longshot of Emma in the middle of the room.
N/AEmma standing in the room.
The date will be a Thursday during school hours and the location is the interior of the leisure room.
Shot 8, close up of the back of her head.
N/AThe back of the Emma's head.
The date will be a Thursday during school hours and the location is the interior of the leisure room.
Shot 9, midshot of her kissing her CHAIN.
The prop in this shot is the CHAIN which Emma will be kissing.Emma kissing her CHAIN.
The date will be a Thursday during school hours and the location is the interior of the leisure room.
Shot 10, over the shoulder shot and we will see the back of Emma's head and we will also see her CLOTHES, her BAG, and SHOES.
The props are CLOTHES, a BAG, and SHOES on the floor in the room.The back of her Emma's head.
The date will be a Thursday during school hours and the location is the interior of the leisure room.
Shot 11, cutaway shot of Emma getting the BALLET SHOES.
The prop in this shot is the BALLET SHOES which the Emma is holding.Emma walking to the BALLET SHOES.
The date will be a Thursday during school hours and the location is the interior of the leisure room.
Shot 12, a midshot of the her with her BALLET SHOES, the camera facing towards her.
The prop used in this shot is her BALLET SHOES that she is holding.Emma holding the BALLET SHOES in her hand.
The date will be a Thursday during school hours and the location is the interior of the leisure room.
Shot 13, a medium longshot of her trying on the SHOES.
The prop used in this shot is the BALLET SHOES that the she is trying on.Emma trying on the BALLET SHOES.
The date will be a Thursday during school hours and the location is the interior of the leisure room.
Shot 14, a medium longshot of Emma stretching.
The prop used in this shot is the BALLET SHOES that the Emma is wearing.Emma stretching in her BALLET SHOES.
The date will be a Thursday during school hours and the location is the interior of the leisure room.
Shot 15, a midshot of the her flaunting. Also in this shot her PHONE is next to her.
The prop used in this shot is the BALLET SHOES that the Emma is wearing.Emma flaunting and dancing doing various moves.
The date will be a Thursday, during school hours and the location is the exterior of the building.
Shot 16, is of Emma's Mum ringing the her with her PHONE.
The prop in this shot is the PHONE that the Mother is holding to her ear.The Mother holding her PHONE to her ear.
The date will be a Thursday during school hours and the location is the interior of the leisure room.
Shot 17, is a cut away shot of Emma's PHONE ringing.
The prop used in this shot is a PHONE that is laying on the floor.N/A
The date will be a Thursday during school hours and the location is the interior of the leisure room.
Shot 18, a close up pan of her feet running to her PHONE.
The prop used in this shot is the BALLET SHOES that Emma is wearing.Emma's feet.
The date will be a Thursday during school hours and the location is the interior of the leisure room.
Shot 19, is a cut away shot of Emma's PHONE.
The prop used in this shot is a PHONE that is laying on the floor.N/A
The date will be a Thursday during school hours and the location is the interior of the leisure room.
Shot 20, is a close up of Emma 's eyes.
N/AA close up of Emma's eyes looking shocked.
The date will be a Thursday during school hours and the location is the interior of the leisure room.Shot 21, is a medium longshot also point of view of Emma running towards her CLOTHES and SHOES stuffing her COSTUME in her bag.The props used in this shot are Emma's CLOTHES, SHOES, BAG and her COSTUME.N/A
The date will be a Thursday during school hours and the location is the interior of the leisure room.Shot 22, is a point of view shot of the her looking around to show that he is panicking. The props used in this shot are Emma's CLOTHES, SHOES and her BAG.N/A
The date will be a Thursday during school hours and the location is the interior of the leisure room.Shot 23, is a cut away shot of her putting on her SCHOOL BLAZER AND SHIRT.The props used in the shot are Emma's SCHOOL BLAZER AND SHIRT.Emma putting on her SCHOOL BLAZER AND SHIRT.
The date will be a Thursday during school hours and the location is the interior of the leisure room.Shot 24, is a medium longshot of the door slamming and her opening another door and running out.The prop used in this shot is Emma's BALLET SHOES that she is wearing.Emma running towards the door.
The date will be a Thursday, during school hours and the location is the exterior of the building. Shot 25, is a tracking shot of Emma running, and her tie is hanging out of her bag.The prop used in this shot is of Emma's SCHOOL TIE, her BAG, and her BALLET SHOES.Emma running out of school.
The date will be a Thursday, during school hours and the location is the exterior of the building. Shot 26, is a cutaway shot of a picture of her family member on the floor, which she had dropped by mistake.The prop used in this shot is a PICTURE of a family member, that Emma dropped mistakenly.N/A
The date will be a Thursday, during school hours and the location is the exterior of the building. Shot 27, is a medium longshot of Emma walking towards her mother.The props used in this shot are Emma's BAG, SCHOOL TIE, and BALLET SHOES.Emma walking towards her Mother, and her Mother standing by the gate.
The date will be a Thursday, during school hours and the location is the exterior of the building. Shot 28, is a one third rule to show Emma is out of breath and to show her Mother's puzzled expression.N/AEmma's Mother looking at her daughter puzzled and Emma out of breath from running.
The date will be a Thursday, during school hours and the location is the exterior of the building. Shot 29, this is a looking down shot to show that her Mother is looking at her shoes.The BALLET SHOES that Emma is wearing.Emma's feet.