Friday 28 October 2011

Own Version Of Opening Sequences From News Stories

The Cat Thief

It was a dark, dull, rainy evening when a mysterious woman in a hooded, black coat was lurking around outside someones home.  She was fiddling with her nail bitten hands nervously, before creeping quietly towards the house from the corner in which she was hiding in.  With her plastic shiny boots making squelching noises on the soaking wet pavement, she approached the wooden brown door and knocked on it four times, loudly but gently, before scurrying into a bush next to the house to hide and watch.  A bright yellow light had turned on from inside the small cosy home and a chubby woman with scruffy brown hair and a pink silk robe had peeped out to see what was happening, but with no one in sight she went back inside and locked the door.  The mysterious woman, dusting the leaves off her shoulders, came out of the bush, and proceeded back towards the house, waiting for the light to be switched off.  When it eventually was, she tiptoed to the back of the house with her squelching boots and peered around for a way to get in, but all she saw was a cat flap, and decided that it was the only way that she could get in.  She pushed it and stuck her head in looking around for any signs of  someone being awake.  When safe, she plunged her whole body in, and crawled underneath the mahogony table, which was on the side of the cat flap.  Taking one last look around, she started wandering around the house breathlessly and desperate in search of things to steal, until her attention was drawn to a new born black and white spotted kitten curled up asleep in a light brown straw basket.

The next morning was a bright, sunny, delightful day, when the chubby woman had been asleep in her cosy, warm double bed.  Unfortunately, this did not last, as she was awakened by a terrible, deafening scream.  Her big blue eyes widenened, as she jumped out from the warmth of her bed and stomped down the stairs.  Her hair messy and her face pale, as she layed her eyes upon the empty basket.  She barged her very slim, tall daughter out of the way, before running briskly towards the telephone.  She picked it up and dialed a number, tapping her foot anxiously, and waiting for the phone to be answered on the other end.  Suddenly, an outburst of cackling laughter was heard on the other end of the phone, as the chubby woman demanded to know where her tiny kitten was.  With no reply, she slammed down the phone and asked her daughter to bring her her navy blue jacket.  With this done, she tied up her scruffy hair, put her boots on, and left the house, marching down the road to the police station.

The strange woman from the previous evening was in her rocking chair stroking the young, harmless kitten with her shaky hands, in a dimmed light.  She was in a gloomy room, with flowery wallpaper, unopened curtains and floorboards that squeaked whenever she moved her chair back and forth.  However, this silence that was only interrupted by the squeaking of the chair, was broken by the loud ringing of a childlike doorbell tune.  She jumped up and strolled suspiciously towards the peephole of the black door, still holding the kitten.  As she looked through the peephole, a look of terror filled her face, as she shrieked and ran to hide the newborn kitten in a nearby beige cupboard.  She then pulled open her dusty curtains and brushed her hair before opening the door, with a fake grin than spread throughout her face.

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