Thursday 27 October 2011

Analysing Opening Sequences

This animation film is called Replay, and it is about a deserted town were the air is contaminated and deadly,  therefore the people who live there have to use gas masks to survive and to breathe when not in a safe place where you can breathe clean air. This makes the audience ask questions like, what has happened to this town, and why. Also in this short film, a woman who lives in this town finds a tape that plays people laughing and being happy, which could be before the town was deserted and lonely. She shows the tape to a young boy who seems surprised and shocked to see it, but is not allowed to touch it as he may break it. This makes the audience sympathise the boy as he is quite young does not seem to be enjoying his life as the laughing, and birds tweeting on the tape comes across as if it is something new to him, and something he wishes he could have.  Later on is this short film the boy goes out of the safe place in which he is living, when told not to by the woman as it is unsafe outside and takes the tape with him. Whilst outside he imagines how life would be if it were happy and normal and he does this by playing the tape out loud and looking around. This makes the audience wonder what is going to happen to him, as the music which is played is depressing sad music. When the woman the boy is living with discovers he has left the place they are living in she runs outside with her mask in search of him, and the music stops and switches to the noise of her running and the young boy breathing. The boy eventually finds a place with a merry-go-round and sits on it and resumes the tape and imagining what the town would be like. During this he imagines a young boy and a girl laughing and throwing a paper aeroplane, and the sad music resumes, and the audience see that the boy has an artificial leg, making the audience wonder how he got it. The boy sighs an takes of the mask dropping it to the floor. And we see a close up of his leg turning back to how it was before he had his artificial leg. He then goes to the children and plays with them, after they ask him if he wants to and the town in which he lives turns brighter and more lively. The woman eventually finds the boy lying on the floor, and the film ends, showing the tape stop. This makes the audience sympathise the boy as he only wanted to live a normal life and be a happy child, but it also makes them sympathise the woman too, as she would be alone in a depressing world without the young boy. The opening of this short film is good as it makes the audience ask questions, and it also grips the audience too, as they want to know what happens next.

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