Monday 10 October 2011

Prelim Task Evaluation

1) Who did you work with and how did you manage the tasks between you? Explain how you organised your time and schedules. What issues came up with time management? What problems did you come up against? How did you deal with these? What were your strengths and weaknesses in this area? What would you do differently next time?

In the Prelim task I worked with Jeevan and we managed the tasks between us, by one person doing the cut and one managing the camera at first and then switching roles between us. We planned to organise our time and schedules, by controlling the cast. However, the cast became one of our time management problems, as they were not concentrating on the task that we were supposed to be doing, and the tripods we had also became a problem as we had two broken ones that had to be fixed, resulting in us finishing an hour later than planned. We dealt with these problems by telling our cast to be quiet and by waiting for our tripod to be fixed. One weakness in this area was the problems that we faced during the filming, but one strength was that we dealt with our issues that we faced wisely and patiently.

2) How did you plan your sequence? What process did you use?

We planned our sequence by using a storyboard, a script and a location recce. This helped us organise what we were going to do in our prelim task and also what problems we may face when filming. The process we used was our storyboard to know how the shot should look whilst filming, the script helped the cast know what they should say and what their actions should be when acting and the location recce helped us find out what problems we may face with the room which was used and also how we could solve them.

3) What technology did you use to complete the task, and how did you use it? What did you learn about using the cameras? Here you can also refer to the discussions we have had in class recently about digital cameras.

The technology used was a digital camera, tripod and a computer. We used these pieces of equipment by setting up the tripod carefully and tightening it into place. Then we put a battery and video tape into the digital camera and slid it into place on the tripod. The computer was used for editing the finished task. During the discussions we had in class, I found out that whenever we moved the digital camera and tripod, the spirit level has to be constantly fixed so that the camera can be focused. I also learnt to be extremely careful when moving around the tripod and camera as it could damage very easily.

4) What factors did you have to take into account when planning, shooting and editing?

Factors I took into account when planning, shooting and editing were the problems that I may encounter. So when planning, I had to make sure that the storyboard was clear to understand, when shooting the spirit level had to be constantly fixed so the camera could be focused, and in editing, I realised our sound was not working at all so instead, had to edit it as best as I could without it.

5) How successful was your sequence? Please identify what worked well, and with hindsight, what would you improve/do differently?

I would say that my sequence was quite successful. Things that worked well, were the continuity for the majority of it, the 180 degree rule and match on action. However, if I could change what was done to improve my film, I would make sure that the continuity was filmed properly by filming for example, close up shots were the actor originally was, and I would also use up the rule of thirds more when nothing else is going on in the background. This would have improved my prelim task.

6) What have you learnt from completing the task? Discuss time management skills, group work skills, organisational skills and technical skills of production.

From completing this task I have learnt that my time management skills should be improved, by controlling the cast which would make the group work skills stronger and make the time management better. Being more organised would also help time management as if you know were everything is and have planned yourself correctly, things will be done easier. And for the the technical skills of production, next time I would make sure that the sound is working by doing a sound check.

7) Post production - What did you learn about the editing process? How did you make decisions while editing? How did you plan your time to complete the editing task? What were your strengths and weaknesses in this area? What would you do differently next time?
Things that I learnt from the editing process was that you can cut bits out of a film that you do not want and put the uncut bits together to make the film flow well. Decisions that were made whilst editing, were that the task had to be edited without sound as it was not working. I planned my time to complete editing the task, by cutting the film into parts and then cutting out the bit that were not needed, which made editing easier. My strengths in this area was that the continuity and my time was managed well, but a weakness was that one of the cuts was filmed in a wrong area which affected the continuity a little and the sound was not working  which made the editing harder. Next time I would make sure that the sound is working by doing a sound check to improve the quality of my task, and I would also, when filming, keep the actor in the same place to improve continuity.

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